We've planted thousands of Agave Tequiliana (Blue Agave), and they are thriving.
The Still we fabricated is a cross between tequila and Irish whiskey stills, and is designed to bring out as much of the Agave flavor as possible.
The Agave put off shoots, or 'pups', which we use to plant out new fields.
The planting, growing, and harvesting of Agave is all done by hand and is very labor intensive.
A specialized tool with a razor sharp blade is used to harvest the heart of the plant.
We bring the hearts, which look like giant pineapples, to our barn where they are washed and cooked for 2 days.
Our masonry ovens use steam to turn the starches into flavorful caramelized sugars.
Using a specialized crusher we developed, the sugars are extracted from the plant fibers
WAIKULU is a Hawaiian word that means 'dripping water'. It was used in the past to describe alcohol spirits, which drip slowly from the still.
You can come visit us and try our Agave Spirit starting this July 2022.
Even though many people think of agave as a cactus or succulent, it is neither and its closest plant cousin is the asparagus. This becomes apparent when an older plant will send up a tall stalk from its center that looks strikingly similar to asparagus.
Hendrix (Henry Boy) had planned to retire on Maui but his passion for keeping things right earned him a full-time position as Chief Distillery Dog.